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Welcome to Cai Studio, where innovation meets imagination. At Cai Studio, we believe in bringing your dreams to life, and that's why we're excited to introduce our latest creation – an interactive and immersive game designed for prefab home projects.

In this game, we've gone above and beyond by incorporating features that let your clients customize every aspect of their prefab home. From choosing the perfect color palette to configuring the ideal floor plan, our game provides a unique and engaging experience.

Our color configuration feature allows your clients to experiment with different color schemes, ensuring their prefab home reflects their personal style. With floor configuration, they can explore various layouts to find the one that suits their lifestyle best.

But that's not all. Our weather and day/night configurations add an extra layer of realism. Clients can experience their prefab home in different weather conditions and watch as the landscape transforms with the changing seasons. Day or night, rain or shine – it's all at their fingertips.

prefab color configuration
prefab weather configuration
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